How to Motivate Your Child to Learn

With devices and their games competing for their attention, it can be difficult for parents to motivate children to learn. If you’re one of those parents who struggles to get their child to do their homework and is tired of nagging, below are some tips we’ve put together with the help of a private school in London.

The Importance of School

Without context and understanding its relevance, school can seem pointless for children, and they have little reason for working hard and following the rules. If however you explain the importance of gaining an education and qualifications, such as the opportunities they will have access to, they may see it in a different light and be motivated to study.

A Reward System

If you struggle to hold your child’s attention, perhaps consider a reward system which incentivises them to focus and complete their work. This could be created using screen time or additional pocket money as an incentive.

Set Targets

Targets / goals can motivate children to work hard, especially when they are made relevant to them. It can give them a push and encouragement to work hard.

A Study Group

If your child’s past the days of being sat down and taught by their parents, they may prefer a study group where they can revise and complete work with the help of their peers. Group work can be incredibly helpful as it allows children the chance to confirm whether they are on the right lines, share notes with one another and gain advice. Also, it helps develop team working skills which they will likely need for the future. The only thing to be cautious of is cheating. Schools have strict policies against cheating and plagiarism, and it defeats the purpose of the learning activities they are set. By copying they will only be cheating themselves and is something that they should be reminded of.

What They Struggle With

Often when children act out and refuse to cooperate with their teachers and parents, it’s because they are having a difficult time with school and understanding what they have been asked to do. To help in this situation, parents should talk to their children and try to get to the root of what’s bothering them to see where extra work can be done to help.

Make Learning a Priority

Children look up to their parents, and as you encourage them you can also prioritise learning within your own life. This can help your child to develop a passion for learning and see school positively.

Build their Curiosity

Asking questions and encouraging your child to do the same can grow their desire to learn and seek new information. This can also be done by broadening their horizons and introducing them to new people, places, and objects.

These are just a few recommendations, and of course will depend on your child and their individual learning needs. You should also remember that children learn and develop at their own pace, so avoid comparison and go at a speed suited to your child.

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